Comments will return

Comments and marketplace reviews will return shortly, assuming the demand is there. In the meantime I am working on a new comment system that would allow more automated spam control. In the beginning, the previous system worked fine. Comment submission took a little longer than I would like but it otherwise functioned fine.

(It was a nightmarish spiderweb of webhooks and Express servers, though.)

Now, with thousands of comments and reviews every month, dealing with spam is somewhat overwhelming. I do not have the time or interest required for manual approval and systems like Askimet are simply not an option. I am working on an alternative. Suggestions are appreciated.

Askimet, for example, is out for obvious reasons. See below.

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  const ak = akApi.client({
    apiKey: config.get('ak.apiKey'),
    site: config.get('')
    user_ip: this.ip,
    user_agent: this.userAgent,
    comment_author: fields[this.siteConfig.get('')],
    comment_author_email: fields[this.siteConfig.get('ak.authorEmail')],
    comment_content: fields[this.siteConfig.get('ak.content')]
  }, (err, isSpam) => {
    if (err) return reject(err)
    if (isSpam) return reject(errorHandler('IS_SPAM'))
    return resolve(fields)