February 17th Update: Darknetlive uses the same captcha used on Incognito Market
Using the Incognito administrator's logic, Darknetlive is owned by Incognito.
February 14th Update: The Incognito team is trying to cover their tracks
Less than 24 hours after this article was posted, Libre Forum, Darknetlive and Darknethub were all updated at the same time, in an attempt to discredit this article. If this action, combined with the rest of this article, doesn't convince you Incognito is trying to monopolize the darknet, I don't know what will.
In less than 24 hours all these "unrelated" sites where updated:
- An Incognito administrator banned The Tor Times from Libre Forum. More on this below.
- Darknetlive updated all the PGP keys listed on their site. They are no longer malformed, hence the evidence of Incognito's special treatment is hidden.
- Darknetlive updated their FUD article to specifically mention The Tor Times.
- Darknethub stopped redirecting to Darknetlive, and a placeholder page was put in place.
Below is something posted by the administrator of Incognito Market:
Seems a site decided to spam with multiple accounts, someone picking a name attempting to rhyme with New York Times. Now that they're banned, they're starting FUD, some "Incognite Team is conquering the world" shit. Note that spamming is against the global rules.
Fun fact: the aforementioned site is definitely related to tor.taxi (which it is defending with a subjective post) and probably some dread sub mod.
To debunk this FUD in three sentences:
- Seems a site decided to spam with multiple accounts, someone picking a name attempting to rhyme with New York Times - Only 2 posts on Libre linked to The Tor Times. When did 2 posts start counting as spam?
- Now that they're banned, they're starting FUD - This article was published before The Tor Times was banned on Libre.
- the aforementioned site is definitely related to tor.taxi - Repeating the baseless claim made by Darknetlive.

The Incognito administrator can't make up his mind. First he claims our site is associated with Archetyp Market, then tor.taxi, and then "some Dread sub mod". He changed his mind 3 times in 3 hours, lol.
Here is evidence of the cover up.
End update
The darknet is known for it's decentralization, but this is how one group of people is trying to change that.
The team in question are the people behind Incognito Market, also knows as the Incognite Team, who run Incognito Market, Libre Forum, Sector.city and Antinalysis.
If you don't know why centralization is a bad thing, here are a couple reasons:
- Control the Flow of Information: If Incognito Market decided to exit scam while controlling all the major sources of information, they would be able to pro-long the exit and scam more people.
- Single Point of Failure: If the Incognito team was busted or their services where compromised. The hit on the darknet would be much greater than one market being busted. All their subsequent services would be effected.
While centralization can be a by-product of creating exceptional services, it can also be caused by actively forcing centralization. This team is doing the latter.
Libre Forum
Libre Forum, launched December 19th 2022, is a darknet forum similar to Dread. It was launched during Dread's 2+ months long downtime, so it had a large influx of users.
The form preaches freedom of speech, but administrators deleted some of the most up-voted posts to censor The Tor Times. The posts in question:

The only reason these posts where deleted was because the administrators have a personal bias against The Tor Times, which is strange because this site launched recently. They did not care they were some of the most up-voted posts. Showing they don't want alternative news sources posted on their platform.
Coincidentally, these posts where deleted the same day Darknetlive posted an article containing FUD about us and tor.taxi. More about that below:
Darknetlive.com is a darknet news site that was sold in late 2022, after the previous owner decided to "leave the scene". Since the ownership change the site has become a shell of what it used to be.
A excerpt from the Darknetlive article titled "Tor.taxi linked with Kilos exit scam":
Tor.taxi admins took advantage of Dread downtime and further advocated Kilos after users pointed out that the exchange was exit scamming.
Tor.taxi took five days to publish a warning about Kilos. That's the only fact. The rest is pure speculation and there is no evidence that links tor.taxi to Kilos. The intention of the article is to create FUD about tor.taxi and push people to Darknetlive. Creating a centralized point.
When it's finally apparent that Kilos was conducting an exit scam, and that tor.taxi is obviously covering up it's fraudulent activities, the index then seeked refuge by posting an article in one of the darknet news site it controls. It then proceeded reluctantly to issue a warning on it's website.
This entire sentence is a FUD sandwich, lol.
- tor.taxi is obviously covering up it's fraudulent activities - This claim came out of nowhere and there is no evidence of this.
- posting an article in one of the darknet news site it controls - Another baseless claim.
- then proceeded reluctantly to issue a warning on it's website - Taking five days to publish a warning doesn't make them reluctant to do it.
Case in point: I had to remind dark.fail to put up a warning about Kilos after they removed it. This doesn't make them a party to Kilos's scam.
The entire article reminds me of something Darknetstats, a site notorious for spreading FUD, would post.
Darknetlive Change of Ownership
Some facts about the Darknetlive ownership change:
- The new owners have no control of old onion domain.
- No PGP proof of passing ownership from the old administrator.
- No control of old Dread account.
- No word from previous owner about ownership change.
Think what you want to about those facts.
Coincidentally, Incognito and Libre are the only 2 entries on darknetlive that don't have malformed PGP keys listed, and Incognito Market is listed at the top of Darknetlive.
Darknethub.net, launched early 2021, was a darknet news site similar to Darknetlive. It gained some popularity in the darknet community, until they decided to post FUD on Dread about AlphaBay having a connection to law enforcement. The site quickly lost it's credibility and re-designed to strictly be a darknet link index.
The administrators of AlphaBay and Dread chimed in to quickly debunk the FUD. Noticeably AlphaBay administrator, DeSnake, claimed the site was run by the Incognito team. One of the administrators of Incognito denied this.
Fast forward to 2023, after over a year of inactivity, the domain darknethub.com now redirects to darknetlive.com. Darknetlive now carrying a similar look to Darknethub.
nice investigation Sir, 1000mg cookie good night