April 1st Update: Incognito's administrator claims the extortion was a prank

End update
On 9th March, Incognito Market started to extort vendors and buyers. Just 1 week after they started to exit scam.
The same day, vendors started to report that an extortion message was being shown in their vendor panels.

The administrator of Incognito taunted users on Dread in a post titled "Bit update on Incognito":

Extortion Message

Incognito is threatening to publish private messages, transaction info and order details unless vendors pay a fee. The market claims they are going to publish a dump of 557k orders and 862k crypto transactions at the end of May. Unless vendors pays to get their own and customer data removed from the list. The message claims buyers will get access to this portal in a few weeks so they can remove their information too.
The market claims that any addresses sent using the auto encrypt function were saved in plain text and any expired messages and transaction ids were not really deleted.
The amounts they're asking for range from $100 to $20,000, depending on the vendors market level:

The vendors panel also shows which vendors have paid and which have not:

Some vendors decided to pay the extortion amount:

Donate to The Tor Times and I won't publish all your IP addresses: