Steroid Vendor Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison
Published by Ethan on Sat, Sep 16, 2023 | Tagged Arrest, Drugs | 78 Comments

The 32-year-old James Charles Rivera was sentenced to 8 years in prison for leading a scheme to distribute steroids around the world and launder the proceeds through cash and cryptocurrency.

Steroids are safe and have no unwanted side effects /s

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, James Rivera using the moniker "JuicePal", arranged the distribution of steroids to at least 43 states, as well as Canada, Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom and countries in the European Union.

Rivera conducted the operation from the UK, while accomplices in the United States handled steroid manufacturing, shipping, receiving cash payments and forwarding money to Rivera.

The drug trafficking operation was ended by the defendant's arrest on December 10, 2021, by HSI agents at the John F. Kennedy International Airport.

He pleaded guilty to one count each of conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and conspiracy to launder monetary instruments in February 2023. In his plea agreement, Rivera admitted he and his accomplices processed thousands of orders from 2018 to late 2021. They reportedly received a total of at least 450.974 bitcoins from the sales.

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Fri, Sep 15, 2023

So all the people going to Tijuana, Mexico to buy steroids are committing a crime? Or is "using the internet" what has these soyboys upset...

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Sat, Sep 16, 2023

LOL, it's not just Mexico. Leave EU, USA or Australia and most "drugs" are absolutely legal to get. Turkey, Georgia, Thailand, Russia. Only we are absolutely cucked, because muh protect the citizens. Fucking insane.

Sat, Sep 16, 2023

Their crime isn't buying the Drugs, it's when they attempt to smuggle them back to the US is the Crime. Also, Selling Drugs is still a Crime, even when they make the Drugs legal, like Legal Weed in states like California or Colorado, they still sending 1,000s of people to Prison for selling Marijuana.

Ultra Master Bater
Mon, Sep 18, 2023

> Steroids are safe and have no unwanted side effects

Says Ethan, the circumcised Jew, with his shriveled roid balls. Or is he the new Seinfeld? Very funny!

Serb Derp
Mon, Sep 18, 2023

Lul, just make holidays in the Balkans, they have all the juice! No need to go to Georgia or Russia o_O

Mon, Sep 18, 2023

> most "drugs" are absolutely legal to get. Turkey, Georgia, Thailand, Russia.

Are you retarded? You will get a fucking death sentence in those countries, nigger.

Mon, Sep 18, 2023

@f128805b13 yeah exactly and you'll get shot dead in Mexico. After all life in West isn't so bad, is it? KEK

Thu, Sep 21, 2023

Gender wokeness is going too far! They've cross-dressed the Commander-in-Chief, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in girly clothes as a kid! Disgusting! Probably giving him hormones, too. Thank GOD (not Allah) they didn't succeed trans_forming the POTUS into a woke transgenda child.

Proof pic:

Thu, Sep 21, 2023

@f128805b13: shut your trap, dumb fag. Steroids are not considered drugs in Turkey and Georgia. Or the Balkans.

Mon, Sep 25, 2023

The WEF elites sponsoring the transgender agenda and indoctrination must be brought to justice. They only deserve the kind of justice that is left after the guillotine blade has fallen on their neck. This be the only way forward.

Tobias OKeefe
Fri, Sep 15, 2023

gymcels btfo'd lol

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Sat, Sep 16, 2023

all natural

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Wed, Jan 10, 2024

on god

Sat, Sep 16, 2023

rip. THAts TUFF

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Sat, Sep 16, 2023

Maybe he should consider selling Estrogen next time. Heard it's not regulated! :3

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Thu, Sep 21, 2023


lain iwakura
Tue, Oct 3, 2023

They should!!! a lot of catgirls take it and it's legal :3

Sat, Sep 16, 2023

No one should ever enter US soil, unless you are nationals of US.... Not citizen? Enjoy Guantanamo treatment boys.

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Sat, Sep 16, 2023

This is Zelensky From Ukraine. We need an unlimited supply of weapons for the Russians please USA give us all your money sell more drugs on the darknet to fuel the weapons anything we need all the help we can get we dont care if its from the dnms.

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Wed, Sep 20, 2023

yes sir! lets sell drugs and get money for Ukraine!

Wed, Sep 20, 2023

Ukraine is weak you little midget mozzafokka!

KIM Jung Putin
Sat, Sep 16, 2023

We must Punish Ukraine for the sins they have commited against the Russian/Ukranian People. Denazify Zelensky Do not fuel his demands for more weapons because we will only out put more and grind our hand down to the bone to make more ammunition and shells

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Sat, Feb 10, 2024


Sat, Sep 16, 2023

Should have just stuck with crypto

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Sun, Sep 17, 2023

The Black Helicopters Are Coming

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Master Bater
Mon, Sep 18, 2023

Call them to wait a sec, I'm batin'

Master Gator
Wed, Sep 20, 2023

I gonna send the Croc to bite off you COCK!

Master Bator
Thu, Sep 21, 2023

The Black Helicopters Are Cuming !

Master Tator
Sat, Sep 23, 2023

you nigga lips, The helos were all shot down bastard : ()

Master Freighter
Sat, Sep 23, 2023

I am zee fazza of industrial rock, if

you don;t like it you can


Sun, Sep 17, 2023

I've recently made a new onionsite, if someone's interested :


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Tue, Sep 19, 2023

my computer now has aids...thanks

KimJungUns PR Manager
Sun, Sep 17, 2023

We have provided Putin with all he needs. Zelensky we urge you to surrender. Your soldiers lies can still be spared and saved to rebuild whats left of Ukraine. Please think about their wives and mothers.

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Alpha NATO
Mon, Sep 18, 2023

After we liberated Ukraine, the attacks on Moscow will continue. Also we will strangle Russia economically. USA! USA!

Wed, Sep 20, 2023

When Ukraine win this war and make Russia part of Ukraine, you can cry while learning how to speak Ukrainian through online classes.

KimJongUns Undertaker
Wed, Sep 20, 2023

We have taken Zelenskys cock and chopped it off and will stuff it down his throat now. MMMMMM good dog Zelensky bark!

Sat, Sep 23, 2023

This is Hunter Biden's nose and enough coke has gone inside me tonight to tell you, Zelensky that yes you really must surrender or you will feel the wrath of Putin's giant cock on your asshole banging hard using the lube with the broken glass and sand in it.

vendor stats
Mon, Sep 18, 2023


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Mon, Sep 18, 2023

should have sold female hormones to 13 year old trans girls

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Sun, Dec 3, 2023

You say this like Hormone vendors don't get doxxed and have their websites nuke all the time

george biden
Mon, Sep 18, 2023

hello this is your president george biden speaking. I have aids, so much aids please help me i am suffering for dementia and aids. please i am the president of the united states of america and i cant afford my hospital bills to treat my aids

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Mon, Sep 18, 2023

president biden, sign a message for the people

Tue, Sep 19, 2023

it's simple raise taxes the people will pay for you

Thu, Sep 21, 2023

prosident biten, you need spikes and chains and tattoos

you breed new lifeforms, inside your shoes!!

Alpha Doc
Thu, Sep 21, 2023

Mr. President, Sir, your name ist Joe. But no problemo, I'll inject you some Ketamine, so you can k-hole. It'll cure your AIDS and dementia. It also summons the spirits to put Trump in jail for a long, long time. That'll be $10M please. Thank you!

Thu, Sep 21, 2023

This is the underpants of hillary rodham clinton, screaming for mercy from the aghast smell emanating from the crack and bung hole of the woman who would have been president. We are making secret deal with clinton foundation to free Trump (orange man GOOD) from any jail or prison he becomes shackled to. Stupid ass zipper head cucks who come here to worship joe bite me biden are all fucked in the ass.

Mon, Sep 18, 2023

This is Putins Pal. I cant give too much info, but we have the blueprints we need. This is going to be a long one but its looking good. We will throw all of them in the meet grinder. They are not doing well. US Gas Prices are climbing through the roof. This is going to go to the long haul but its not looking good.

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Thu, Sep 21, 2023

This is Putins Smell. We sure are putting the smell of fear into that cuck Zelenshky. Can you smell what, I, Putin am cookin for you? Can you smell what the Rock is cookin??

Tue, Sep 19, 2023

darknet is dying

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Wed, Sep 20, 2023

For real. People abused it too much and caused un-necessary attention. People are dumb as fuck these days.

Negus please
Thu, Sep 21, 2023

Wut? Because a vendor is busted? Cut one head off and 3 will regrow. The cartels have already won. Just a war on wealth distribution.

Sat, Sep 23, 2023

Yo dey darker dan us!

Sat, Sep 23, 2023

that is not true at all, there are tons of child porn sites with thousands of hours of girls 6-12 taking cumshots and fucking balls deep. You are just on the wrong side of the dn.

Wed, Dec 27, 2023

There will be a rise when the true digital age comes

Fri, Sep 22, 2023

Now Ukraine the baby has cried to much and even its closest border ally Poland wont give them weapons now. keep crying dumb ass ukranians see where it gets you no where. if poland threw in the towel can you imagine this time next year? bye bye Ukraine

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Murder Putin
Fri, Sep 22, 2023

US will send ATACMS. Russia ded next year. USA! USA!

Fri, Sep 22, 2023

ZelenSHEsky has gone full transgender and therefore must be stopped at once. Since Ukraine is very weak, sick and feeble, it will be so easy to send drone right down his cock. His closest guards even say he has pussy lips on his ass and he invites the guards to fuck him in poopshoot hole, for good times and raise moral to good.

Sat, Sep 23, 2023

The US government is a terrorists organization.

Fri, Sep 22, 2023

Grandmother has told you before not to worry.

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Sat, Sep 23, 2023

The US government is a terrorists organization.

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Mon, Sep 25, 2023

US Polls Show 60 Percent of Americans do not support sending more funds to Ukraine. Ukranians there is no denying now your end is near. I honestly thought it would go on for longer.

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Mon, Sep 25, 2023

Oh come on, you know damn well as a historian what the Maidan color revolution was in Ukraine, as it was sponsored by state terrorists in the USA - namely the CIA and deep state. Ukraine is getting what it deserves for firing prosecutor investigating Burisma gas company, for getting into bed with the "biden" crime family and for allowing 30+ bioweapon labs to be opened and operated to make illegal gain of function research on bat virus.

Things in USA go from bad to worse now because of jackass woked up political system and criminal election system whereby criminal act of voting allows for criminals to take over government and destroy USA energy system and drain oil reserve. You can't be that blind unless of course you are just angry leftist communist historian, ignoring all facts in favor of falsely laid narradigms.

Tue, Oct 3, 2023

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based person
Tue, Oct 3, 2023

transphobes hang yourself, trans men are more men than you

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Thu, Oct 5, 2023

the rope beckons faggot. go to it.

Wed, Jan 3, 2024

shut yo bitch ass up faggot ass nigger

Mon, Nov 20, 2023

Fuck the government,

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body builder for life
Tue, Nov 28, 2023

as a juiced very muscular guy this deeply saddens me

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Wed, Dec 6, 2023


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Wed, Dec 6, 2023


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Fri, Dec 15, 2023

We are living in a world where the poor don't have a say and the rich can say whatever they want but not anymore, we are looking to put a "STOP" to that because while the rich get richer the poor get rich as well. We are number one distributors of A+ quality bank notes for most currencies and we offer discreet delivery within 3 to 5 business days and do not get mad if you do not get your package in 3 days all you just need to do is wait for 2 more days and it should be at your provided address. order USD, EUR, GBP and more and we also offer FACE to FACE deals because we trust our products 100% so when contacting me have no doubt just push in your drop off address or let me know if you prefer a meetup and make sure you are clean because i do not deal with pigs. receiving orders anytime any location just hmu for more info.

We use the latest technology to generate notes so that it looks 100% identical to the real note. This thus implies all security features present in the real notes are present in the note we make. Our team is made up of Quality IT technicians from North Korea, USA, Russia, India and China, South Africa. We offer high quality NOTES so it might just be your lucky day. Yes, I am talking about "YOU".

Wickr: Ranko322

Website Links:

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Wed, Jan 17, 2024

bro, i would not fuck with currencies of US, they are alergic very much when it comes to money, you will get yourself in trouble

Wed, Jan 31, 2024

Hey, can someone send me XMR, I need it to buy cocaine, thanks.


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Wed, Apr 3, 2024

It says In his sentencing memorandum that he was living in Russia and asia.why does this article say he conducted the operation in UK?

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Wed, Apr 24, 2024

The nigga became el chapo.

450 bitcoins is over $30 million dollars . For atleast making tens of millions of dollars . 8 years is not bad.

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Fri, May 24, 2024

One of the best steroid brands of all time . An inspiration

RIP JuicePal

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Mon, Jun 24, 2024

yk where 2 get safe roids?

Mon, Jun 17, 2024

A man's dream never dies.

JuicePal the GOAT.

#free juicepal

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