The Tor Project is Trying to Fix Tor's Problems
Published by Elmer FUD on Tue, Feb 28, 2023 | Tagged DDoS, I2P, Tor | 75 Comments

In May 2022 someone posted on the Tor mailing list complaining about a Company called Team Cymru being one of the Host's of Tor's website.

Here's a vice article about companies that buy what's known as "netflow data" from Tier 1 ISPs and sell it to third parties. Team Cymru is one of the biggest such brokers, and as such, a bunch of security industry reps lick their balls rapaciously.

Anyway, this May 2022 mailing list post complaining about Team Cymru hosting Tor's Website.

OP just gets shit on by everyone who responds. (paraphrasing) 'The CEO of Team Cymru, "Rabbi Rob Thomas," has been on the board of directors of the tor project since 2011, and they've operated bridges for years,' we learn. 'OP needs to remove his tinfoil hat,' they say.

Ok, skip ahead to Tor Browser Bundle changelog update in October same year (2022):

Bug tor-browser-build#40633: Remove Team Cymru hard-coded bridges

So they weren't just hosting bridges, but default bridges hard-coded into the Tor Browser Bundle itself. In other words, when you click the "give me a bridge" button in tor browser (this option not available in Tails, and I see the sense in it not being so now), at least two such default bridges were operated by Team Cymru.

Rabbi Rob Thomas still sits on the board of directors.

Three new board members added to Tor last month

I2P now getting the shit ddosed of it, as an inadvertent result of Tor's incompetence (assuming it's the same attacker). I2P dev on /r/i2p:

As you already know, the I2P network has been targeted by a Denial-of-Service attack for the past ~3 days. The attacker is flooding the network with malicious floodfill routers, which are responding incorrectly or not at all to other routers and feeding the network false information. This results in performance and connectivity problems, because the floodfills provide peer information to the participants in the network. The result is a form of sybil attack which is used to cause widespread denial of service. The attacker is changing specific characteristics of their attack as they carry it out. The focus for mitigation is to find general strategies which address the issue regardless of who is carrying it out, and which do not require the use of a fixed ban-list and which can provide long-term protections.

This attack has degraded the performance of the network but it remains intact and usable. Java I2P routers still appear to be handling the issues better than i2pd routers. Various mitigations should appear in dev builds of both Java and C++ routers in the next week.

BUT DONT WORRY! The Tor project is fundraising to fix the problem, they just hired two new onion devs! JUST HIRED!? THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING SINCE JULY, AND EVEN LONGER AGO BEFORE THAT!

So the Poor folks at Tor just need another measly $155,000 to fix the problem guys. Funny if you split that in two you've got about two onion dev salaries and a handful of first class private jet flights to wherever the fuck.

Maybe Rabbi Rob can chip in? No, no he's already donated so much money AND RESOURCES DONT FORGET THE HARD CODED BRIDGES.

If Dingledine wasn't still at the top of Tor, shit would be so much more fucked up right now. I am sure of it.

The Joseph Cox guy who wrote the vice article I linked earlier does some decent reporting actually.

From August 2022, a story none of us heard about in the mainstream im sure: Facebook and Twitter Take Down a U.S. Propaganda Operation Targeting Russia, China, Iran. The USA conducting a propaganda campaign identical to Russia 2016. Some of the accounts had been active since 2011.

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023

I have no idea what i'm reading

fuck feds

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023

tl;dr: tor project worked with one of the biggest private data collectors

putin sucks balls
Tue, Feb 28, 2023

i cunt read

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

fuck hugbunter and the FBI

Tue, Feb 28, 2023

Millions of $ in funding and they still want more. Fuck off

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023

Stop funding TOR, you don't know where the money is going and you're dumb enough to trust anything with your money to begin with

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023

Put me the hell off using tor default bridges as tvice says they are compromised

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023


Tue, Feb 28, 2023

tor and i2p gone

freenet here we come!

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

>i2p gone

u wot m8?


we locutus now

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

jailnet there you go

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

bro were you born this dumb

Tue, Feb 28, 2023

These people are trying to jump on the bandwagon and exit scam so they are asking for you to build the honeypot for them lol

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023

hugbunter needs to stop ddosing the markets

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023

Source: trust me bro

Jai Hind
Tue, Feb 28, 2023

lol, Snowden, Satoshi and DeSnake are the same personas ddosing Tor. NSA is overlord!

Wed, Mar 1, 2023


Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Why wouldn't he my guy?? Now that his monopoly Alphabay is gone hugbunter needs a new cash cow (Incognito). Check /r/darknet you can see shakybeats leaked messages about all that dirty ddos shit.

Tue, Feb 28, 2023

Three new board members added to Tor last month

they hired a NFT

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Tue, Feb 28, 2023

The last part I actually knew. But seems to be less harmful than it sounds. First of it didn't get received very well aka no one cared (about the propaganda it self not the news). Second the attack if you even want to/ could call it that was miniscule and so insufficdicaded (what a word). Messages sending on the second minute and hour perfectly all the time. I could cook up better obfuscation than that. But scary non the less.

But if you can't control your people try new ones ig.

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Sun, Jun 25, 2023



Tue, Feb 28, 2023

I donated to the Tor Project's first Bug Smash funding drive where they specifically noted that they'd be fixing bugs related to onion DDOS problems in 2019/2020. Nothing was done. They raised $80K in a week thanks to darknetizens. NEVER AGAIN WILL I DONATE. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Can't get fooled again!

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023


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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

There's definitely something dodgy happening with tor and I hate the lack of communication and general mysteriousness. Why this? Why that? Why again? So strange! I wish it wasn't like that. Lucky for us, the base is still safe -- hopefully.

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Calm your titties. Dread is coming back. If it still doesn't, then we all know something's up.

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

lemme lick them tiddies

Fri, Mar 3, 2023

Tor has been infiltrated, look around you, these undercovers even get mad when you say the truth, they call you retarded

Fri, Mar 3, 2023

Dread is bugged and the feds are buying time

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

>Rabbi Rob Thomas


Don't be anti-semetic now goyim. And fund my devs' HRT expenses!!

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Just a friendly reminder that anti-semitic hate speech such as your comment will not be tolerated on the dark web. In loving memory of the 6 hundred gigabillion trillion, you have been reported to the ADL and your username "eb81241694" added to the SPLC watchlist.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Anti-semites should never be tolerated.

Thu, Apr 6, 2023

Neither should mass murder and ethnic cleansing, but look at Israel go! Took a page out of my book (;

Sat, Apr 29, 2023

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Use I2P, instead of Tor. At least with I2P, the network scales up in its bandwidth capacity to accommodate more I2P users, as the new I2P users start using it. Thus, at least I2P doesn't require begging for donation money to run exit nodes and such. With Tor, they just keep begging for "muh we need more routers," "muh we need more devs".

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

The Tor Project spends ZERO on nodes. I've ran big nodes but shut them down because nobody will support them. One of the nodes was an entry guard maxed at 10 Gbps (often marked overloaded) so there were tens of thousands of people using it per day but ZERO donations in the one year that it ran while I was paying $300 a month for colocation, that specific server is sitting in a closet now.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

I noticed people posting on Reddit in the area where I shut that specific node down asking "why is tor suddenly so slow" and it's because they went from 10Gbps fiber in a data center to random peoples houses running on raspberry pi. If I would have received just $0.01 per month to show someone cared then they would still be online. Search for nodes you want to support and many will have crypto addresses in description.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023


You needed to do a better job soliciting donations instead of blaming tor users for not donating. Many would if they could or had any inkling your contribution to their dnm livelihoods.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Someone should build a service that accepts donations and equally distributes them to tor node operators based on their bandwidth numbers from tor's node trackers.

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

@2e82d5552c Monero's p2pool can suppor this type of a payout

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

It should work like a blockchain, you pay for traffic automatically by loading up a crypto wallet connected to your relay which is then obfuscated automatically similarly to XMR. Hell, you could just integrate this into Tor by using XMR and connecting both somehow. Shit doesn't work without incentives. This project does something like it:

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

But yeah obviously it does something like it ... but with it's own infrastructure token and all.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

since when did y'all start to write shitty articles?

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023


you need to go back

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

From day ONE.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

since when did y'all start to write shitty articles??

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peperidge farm
Wed, Mar 1, 2023

when did negroes start getting to uppity in my day you could buy a dozen for 60$ and they didn't say shit

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Obviously they hired another writer who is a pot head.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Fuck off and fuck LE

the NSA

the DEA

and CIA

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

this article is so fucking wack

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

this article is so fucking wack

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hugbunter is the ddoser
Wed, Mar 1, 2023

go suck hugbunters cock faggot incognito and the ddos gang need to be roped

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

dear tor programmers,

get on the FUCKING STICK and install the patch on the tor network to make the FUCKING DDOS ATTACKS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE.

Whatever fucking protocol is required, PUT IT IN! What the fuck are you waiting for? DO IT TODAYYYYY MF'ers!



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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

take your medication now

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

I'm going to fuck DeSnake in his ass and fill it with cum.

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Special Agent Cohen
Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Not if I fuck him with my big cock first.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023


Wed, Mar 1, 2023

I advice you to where a condom. You gonna get dirty.

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Withdrawals again.

Buttcheeks hurt so hard, don't they?

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

I am DeSanek, Polish brother. You must use the lube that has sand and bits of broken glass in it for the snake fuck fest you will have soon.

Sat, Mar 4, 2023

last time I did that he had shit up his asshole so you might want to get some soap and water

Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Tor doesn't work, but now it doesn't work even more

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fuck you
Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Tor does work stop acting like a retard grow up faggot

the vozhd that time forgot
Wed, Mar 1, 2023

why hire the Wikimedia Foundation's cartoon character? they know she's three CIA agents stacked on top of each other inside a raincoat, right?

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Wed, Mar 1, 2023

Tor is US critical infrastructure. The largest funder of Tor is the US Navy who VPNs over Tor using hidden service VPN endpoints that their ships connect to through satellite. The CIA uses Tor for communicating with field agents. The State Department's internal email system runs on Tor to connect embassies around the world. The US Department of Justice officially recommends that federal judges use Tor to protect their online activities. Normal people who use Tor give cover to government users. A hostile country could easily figure out who is CIA if only they used Tor, but they blend in with regular users. The US Government should treat DDOS attacks on Tor the same way they would treat them if they were against the pentagon. Is a rouge US agency DDOSing a US critical infrastructure? Hmmm

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Thu, Mar 2, 2023

what fucking rabbit hole did you fall into

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

Yea, I was pretty high when I wrote that but what I was trying to say is governments need Tor and they need people using it, so the low level feds should stop bashing it. Only low level feds are against Tor, the high level feds are for it.

A perfect example is the silk road dude, he was busted by low level feds and the high level feds gave him a get-out-of-jail free card. (that he hasn't used) SR was hosting Tor in one country and the back-end in another, which was leaking his HTTP headers to the NSA, and the FBI has access to NSA systems. During his trial the feds said they located his service using "tcp header information" which is true but his lawyer and everyone who reported on it didn't understand what they meant, they literally meant that the NSA is recording raw TCP data on the wire and the FBI searched the database for his host-name, which would invalidate the whole case since the initial information was obtained illegally.

The high level feds planted that "evidence suppression seed" in the "parallel construction package" that they provided the low level feds and nobody caught it because they can't comprehend that the raw data is captured on the wire.

I'm not sure if the SR or Lavabit case is worse, in the Lavabit case the dude sent his lawyer alone and the lawyer told the judge "I don't know anything about this computer stuff." and the feds said "We can explain it." That dude would of been fired and sued if he was my lawyer.

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

My rant is over but if I see another fed on here try to entrap someone by injecting things they didn't say, I'm going to write a huge post on third party mesh network surveillance, what some feds jokingly call "Airplane Mode Tracking."

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

true. tor and the entire clearnet has always been one helluva government project. remember darpanet? CIA funds tails.

remember, intel management engine magic vulnerabilities?

too obvious my niggas. we be buying drugs from cia fronts. the non government actors are the only arrested ones.

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Thu, Mar 2, 2023

Tor is the best thing to use, there's nothing wrong with it being backed by government. My rant is not anti-Tor, it's to get the low level feds to back off from their politically motivated quotas where they have to entrap people and stage crimes to make up for low numbers. Tor is literally the most important software that Humans have created so far in history.

The arrested ones do stupid things like SR did with his Cloudflare style of stripping encryption and sending everything in cleartext to his backed (over international borders!), the FBI broke the law by searching an NSA system for the hostname, tracking an SSH connecting IP to the coffee shop, and watching for who goes there at certain times. Tor protected SR, it was what he did after Tor that got him busted.

Thu, Mar 2, 2023

I replied above to a comment but here again, I suppose it might be interesting to use Nym. It's basically a mixnet - it looks in architecture similarish (?) to Tor, but it is incentive based, with a token, meaning more relays and stuff.

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Sun, Mar 5, 2023

Tor is opposition now. Proof? They refuse to acknowledge Whonix, that protects against many of their long time vulns. Refuse to respond to their comments with links of proof or Whonix devs. Why?

Tor didn't pay out bug bounties for a time. Why?

Tor list has vulns in it years old that are easy fix. Why?

Tor not updating with times. Easy changes again, don't. Why?

Many more questions, many more tells. Grown lazy, grown fat on donations. Coop by glowies? Possible. Tor needs change, needs renew. Removal of 'owners' for new honest ones. Or a full fork of Tor, server & browser.

I2P? Maybe. VPN with to protect IP? Yes. Combine with Whonix? Maybe. No help to I2P network if so. But safe. I2P small though. Tiny. Annoy to use first timers. They need donations. Donations to hire help. To make easy to use to spread.

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Mon, Mar 13, 2023

what no pussy does to a mf

Sun, Mar 26, 2023

Ever since the Tor OG jacob appelbaum got meetoo'd by the new feminist hires and replaced with a jewish woman Tor has glowed brighter than the sun.

No worries proper mixnet replacements have been developed and will replace these inferior schemes.

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Thu, Apr 6, 2023

fuck them hoes

Wed, Apr 12, 2023

Wtf....does someone seriously trust that any kind of phone/computer using web is safe and anonymous??? What about satellites!? The biggest and sickest gang is they that runs this sickening world...back to iceage by rebooting...but hey, its done before so can u trust when we post these samelame tinfoilshit about 13500yrs from now

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