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Darpa Awards Crypto Mapping Contract to Analytics Company

DARPA has tasked an analytics company with creating a cryptocurrency mapping tool.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded Inca Digital a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract to create a “cryptocurrency ecosystem mapping tool.”

A picture of Inca Digital

Inca Digital

As a result of the contract, the United States government and the private sector will be able to:

  • Perform cross-market, crypto-financial mapping and analysis
  • Understand relationships between digital asset firms and non-digital asset entities
  • Identify how cryptocurrency may affect traditional financial systems and vice-versa
  • Provide insight into the use of blockchain-based technologies linked to money laundering, terrorist financing, and sanctions evasions across systems (e.g., fiat-to-exchange, exchange-to-blockchain, and cross-blockchain transactions)
  • Better understand money flows in and out of blockchain systems
  • Identify where recipients of cryptocurrency can exchange it for local fiat currency, or goods and services, globally.
  • Understand how cryptocurrencies are used in different U.S. government/Department of Defense areas of responsibility

“Digital asset markets hold amazing promise, but also contend with money laundering, market manipulation, and state actors that may pose risks to U.S. national security,” said Adam Zarazinski, CEO of Inca Digital. “Given the increasing prevalence of digital assets, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies need to have better tools to understand how digital assets operate and how to leverage their jurisdictional authority over digital asset markets globally.”

DARPA Launches Crypto Project with Inca Digital |,,

It's Called We Engage In A Mild Amount of Tomfoolery
0c5d1010 Fri, Sep 23, 2022

The rhetoric of my proposition is an obvious one the red pill or the blue pill

7df5b680 Sat, Sep 24, 2022

Who wrote all this shit dnl wtf?

12808e80 Sat, Sep 24, 2022

who would of thought

163b0650 Mon, Sep 26, 2022

some firm gets to decide an arbitrary threshold for which coins are “bad” or “tainted” and which arent and in the end, innocent people land on the fungibility graveyard with people commenting “SHUM” on the reddit thread talking about it. this is why you just use Monero.

e0dd7fb0 Tue, Sep 27, 2022

What “f971dcef” said times two…

aa86b100 Tue, Sep 27, 2022

a map that leads to no where

2a473b10 Sat, Oct 1, 2022

i wondered how thehy have let xmr go on for so long, its gonna be a sad day when they make that blockchain public

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