AlphaBay Market
AlphaBay is an auction-style marketplace for all black market items. Here, anyone can obtain a seller account and put listings for the community.
- alphabay522szl32u4ci5e3iokdsyth56ei7rwngr2wm7i5jo54j2eid.onion
i2p Address
- tnaefzkcnhryeusi7hdpqujqiqmnbtah3dmjcg3gvezohunjuxbq.b32.i2p
PGP Key Details
- DeSnake-Master key
- EC3B B6C5 255C AA00 14FD B973 EB7A 3CB3 F681 F4DE
- EB7A3CB3F681F4DE
- DeSnake Official key
- 95E7 766E 6AC8 AECD 1B6F 11A5 0E28 8FD2 E281 93C0
- 0E288FD2E28193C0
- Alphabay Network key
- 1195 6CE2 F620 B52C D4C3 EDF4 11C4 80C2 5159 1B10
- 11C480C251591B10
Hash: SHA512
Version: GnuPG v1

Per Recon:
AlphaBay Market is a marketplace founded by alpha02, reputable member on most carding forums and experienced carders. After some time helping others on carding forums, he decided to start his own marketplace and allow sellers from around the world to sell goods to buyers worldwide. DeSnake joined as a co-founder and security administrator shortly after.
AlphaBay was shut down after a law enforcement action as a part of Operation Bayonet against it (and also the Hansa market) in the United States, Canada, and Thailand, reported 13 July 2017. The alleged founder, Alexandre Cazes, a Canadian citizen born on 19 October 1991, was found dead in his cell in Thailand several days after his arrest; suicide is suspected.
As of August 7th 2021, AlphaBay has reopened doors. One of the original administrators DeSnake has returned and relaunched the marketplace. DeSnake had his PGP key verified which confirmed his authenticity as well as he was confirmed by ex-AlphaBay staff members and Dread administration.
AlphaBay now uses Monero only, promotes I2P as a main connection point (has Tor mirrors too) and is working on a decentralized marketplace project. Upon relaunching new features such as automatic dispute resolver and AlphaGuard wallet protection were introduced continuing the legacy of innovation that the marketplace has been known for.
How to purchase on AlphaBay Market
Alphabay purchasing guide
- Fund your wallet with Monero (XMR). There are many guides on the Internet how to buy this anonymous and untraceable cryptocurrency, we suggest you familiarize yourself with that before you continue.
- Go to the homepage and select a category or type in the search function what you are looking for.
- Review the listing. Make sure the listing type is correctly labelled by the vendor (digital/physical). Review the listing refund policy. Check the vendor reputation on the marketplace and on the Forums.
- If the listing says Finalize Early (FE) instead of Escrow, be extra careful. We do not give out FE permissions easily but that does not mean a vendor can decide to scam you. Make sure you 100% trust the vendor before continuing.
- Select quantity and click ‘Purchase’. You will be met with instructions/information/safety guideliness about the escrow and purchase process, READ CAREFULLY.
- Once you have selected your options and reviewed the order you wish to make, confirm your order and wait for the vendor to process it (unless it is autodispatch).
- Once you have received the order and you are 100% satisfied, release the escrow as soon as possible. If all of your orders auto-finalize you will receive a penalty on your Trust Level and the vendor will probably rate your ‘Release Time’ low which other vendors will see and might refuse to accept an order from you in the future.
How to connect via I2P?
AlphaBay i2p Guide
We HIGHLY RECOMMEND using I2P over Tor for many reasons which you can see in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. Currently Tails DOES NOT work with I2P and requires too much configuration for the average user to do on each boot. We are working on Tails having I2P/custom script for Tails.
Whonix / Debian-based flavours (Tor -> I2P or Clearnet IP -> I2P)
- Run the following code:
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https -y;wget -q -O -\_repo | sudo bash -s -;sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install i2pd -y;sudo service i2pd start
The above command installs secure package installation with HTTPS, gets signing keys and imports them, updates packages to recognize your knewly added repository, install i2pd and then start the i2pd service.
2. In Tor Browser or your Firefox, type about:config
into the URL bar, accept the warnings and press Enter. Make the following changes:
extensions.torbutton.use\_nontor\_proxy true
After setting extensions.torbutton.use\_nontor\_proxy
to true your browser might restart to apply changes. Apply the following changes where the first is the setting you have to search and after the space is the value you want to have:
network.proxy.http\_port 4444
- IMPORTANT: Wait 2-5 minutes depending on your network in order for I2P to connect properly otherwise if you try instantly it might say that the host is unreachable.
- You are now able to browse i2p websites. On Tor Browser/Firefox it is important to add http:// infront of the i2p site (example to see AlphaBay you go to http://tnaefzkcnhryeusi7hdpqujqiqmnbtah3dmjcg3gvezohunjuxbq.b32.i2p ) otherwise you will search it instead with duckduckgo or other search engine which you have set.
When you browse any I2P eepsite (equivalent of Tor onion hidden site) it might say in your browser on top http(insecure) or when you click to input a field it might say “The connection is not secure”. You can safely ignore that, I2P is end-to-end encrypted when you brwose .i2p sites same as when you browse .onion
For other Linux flavours find the most recent I2Pd documentation. i2pd is an established alternative i2p software which is the same as the original software however it is written in C/C++ and provides faster connection, less resource-hungry on the CPU/RAM etc. After installing i2pd either from source or from repository, you can proceed to the step where you modify Firefox/Tor Browser.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT browse any other websites apart from AlphaBay i2p website. If you want to go back to normal web browsing through Tor please go through each change individually in the browser and revert it, then disable the i2pd service with sudo service i2pd stop (or restart if you want to browse other i2p websites). TBB is not configured for cross-I2P-Tor-Clearnet browsing so make sure to restart/revert changes and restart browser each time you want to visit different website. It might be a pain but it is for your own security.