A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- whoglqjdkgt2an4tdepberwqz3hk7tjo4kqgdnuj77rt7nshw2xqhqad.onion
- nuifgsnbb2mcyza74o7illtqmuaqbwu4flam3cdmsrnudwcmkqur37qd.onion
- search.albony.xyz
- s.tokhmi.xyz
- search.sethforprivacy.com
- gowogle.voring.me
- search.wef.lol
- github.com/benbusby/whoogle-search
Whoogle is a self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine. It is simple to host (only a couple of clicks) and works as well as Google.
No ads or sponsored content
No JavaScript*
No cookies**
No tracking/linking of your personal IP address***
No AMP links
No URL tracking tags (i.e. utm=%s)
No referrer header
Tor and HTTP/SOCKS proxy support
Autocomplete/search suggestions
POST request search and suggestion queries (when possible)
View images at full res without site redirect (currently mobile only)
Light/Dark/System theme modes (with support for custom CSS theming)
Randomly generated User Agent
Easy to install/deploy
DDG-style bang (i.e. ! ) searches
Optional location-based searching (i.e. results near )
Optional NoJS mode to view search results in a separate window with JavaScript blocked
*No third party JavaScript. Whoogle can be used with JavaScript disabled, but if enabled, uses JavaScript for things like presenting search suggestions.
**No third party cookies. Whoogle uses server side cookies (sessions) to store non-sensitive configuration settings such as theme, language, etc. Just like with JavaScript, cookies can be disabled and not affect Whoogle’s search functionality.
***If deployed to a remote server, or configured to send requests through a VPN, Tor, proxy, etc.