Envoy Admin Launches a Market for Vendor Shops
The administrator of the darkweb forum “Envoy” announced the launch of Imperiya, a service through which vendors can purchase custom shops. No such service has existed since HugBunter created personalized vendor shops several years ago.
F0rtuna, the administrator of the Envoy forum, launched a service for darkweb vendors looking for an alternative to the standard darkweb marketplace. The service, known as “Imperiya,” is essentially a vendorshop-as-a-service that claims to streamline the creation of personal vendor shops. By all appearances, the service is a CMS for vendors looking for their own shops.

The Imperiya Homepage
The creator of the service has explained that there is an increasing demand for private vendor shops but that not every vendor has the skills or the time to create their own shop. While in beta stage, Imperiya completed work for 60 vendors. F0rtuna explained that vendors are searching for alternatives to darkweb marketplaces now more than ever. Especially in light of the recent Silk Road 3.1 exit scam, the arrest of the Berlusconi Market administrators, and the sudden shutdown of SamSara Market.
A number of fairly prolific vendors have already opened Imperiya shops. HeinekenExpress is one of the early adopters who publicly announced their decision to open a shop. According to an advertisement for the service, shops purchased from Imperiya support a wide variety of configurations, including a live chat system without javascript, support for multiple cryptocurrencies (Monero included), and 2-FA support.

The Demo Page for a Vendor Shop
The list of available extensions and different customization options is surprisingly lengthy. Some options are unusual, such as a casino plugin (a slot machine). And the full list of supported features is too long to include in a single post but the features listed in an Imperiya advertisement on Envoy included the following features:
- Bitcoin, Monero, Multisig,Escrow payment gateway
- Supported all cryptocurrencies (addon charged)
- Live Chat with your customers(addon charged) (no javascript required)
- News and Feedback system
- Import feedback from marketplaces
- Modern design and features.
- Support Ticket for your customers
- Shipping Cost addon
- More than 100 templates available
- Marketing System
- Dedicated Support
- Multi Lang Support
- Discount Codes
- More than 50 Plugins and Addons available
- Dedicated Support Team
- Bitcoin mixer integrated inside of it.
- Tutorial for newbie buyers
- Exchange system
- 2FA Login
Based on the prices listed next to the different packages and configurations, it appears as if Imperiya shops will appeal primarily to larger vendors with customers willing to follow them from a market to a private shop. Although newer vendors occasionally launch vendor shops, it is usually the older vendors who successfully transition to selling privately instead of on a marketplace. Support is offered for all customers however.