Here are the Top Markets Based on Search Results
Although many readers–perhaps the majority of them–visit this site directly, some of them find the site through search engines. A staggering number of users find Darknetlive through relevant Google searches. The searches reveal interesting patterns in the behavior of darkweb users. For instance, even though Nightmare Market exit scammed a month ago, there are more searches for the market than for any other market within the last 28 days.
As many of you know, I never aimed to be a DeepDotWeb replacement; I started this site as a personal project long before federal authorities seized DeepDotWeb. I have not promoted the site by spreading links to articles anywhere but the Darknetlive subdread and Darknetlive Twitter account. And even then, updates are infrequent and the accounts are primarily ignored. I have not cared about search engine optimization or SERP (and as a result, some of the Darknetlive phishing proxies temporarily ranked as high as Darknetlive itself). After the DeepDotWeb takedown though, this site started organically replacing DeepDotWeb in Google’s search results for relevant terms.
DeepDotWeb published their own rankings based on search terms. They had Google Analytics enabled though, allowing a much more in-depth tracking of users and clicks. All I know is the term searched in Google that resulted in traffic to my site. Although the top lists published by DeepDotWeb were interesting, I prefer the raw data. Since the actual raw data would be an absolute mess to publish in a blog post, I will publish condensed versions of the search terms instead of the full lists. The top 1,000 terms will be attached in a .txt file though. Removed from the lists in this post are terms clearly used in an attempt to reach Darknetlive.
To October
dream market
samsara market
darknet live
dream market replacement
dnm bible
berlusconi market
silk road 3.1
genesis market
new dream market
silkroad 3.1
nightmare market
cryptonia market
dread website
empire market url
empire market
dark net live
pharma master
dream alt market
silk road 3.1 down
empire market link
dread forum
dream market 2019
silk road 3.1 link
global dreams
darknet forum
darknet forums
darknet market list
darknet bible
silkroad 3.1 down
wyatt pasek
samsara market url
silk road 3.1 url
dnm buyer bible
global dreams darknet
dream market url
dark web markets 2019
genesis market link
Top Markets/Forums (October)
Markets | Forums |
Samsara Market | Dread |
Berlusconi | Empire Forum |
Cryptonia | DNM Avengers |
Cryptonia | |
Silk Road | |
Empire |
To September
Top 50 Terms
dream market
samsara market
nightmare market
darknet live
dream market replacement
new dream market
dnm bible
cryptonia market
genesis market
berlusconi market
silk road 3.1
empire market url
empire market link
nightmare market url
dream alt market
nightmare market exit scam
silkroad 3.1
empire market
dread forum
dark net live
global dreams
darknet market list
jesus of rave
wyatt pasek
darknet forum
dream market 2019
darknet forums
empire market links
nightmare market link
dark web markets june 2019
dnm buyer bible
berlusconi market link
silk road 3.1 link
cannazon link
genesis market dark web
silk road 3.1 down
empire market down
nightmare exit scam
Sorted by active markets/forums
Top Markets | Top Forums |
SamSara Market | Dread |
Cryptonia Market | |
Genesis Market | |
Berlusconi Market | |
Silk Road 3.1 | |
Dream Alt | |
Empire Market | |
DarkMarket | |
Cannazon |
Top Pages
The list of top pages exclusively for darkweb marketplaces and (forums, blog posts, or indexes). the homepage, the market list, and two articles are the only pages outranking SamSara Market.
August 20
Top Markets | Top Forums |
SamSara Market | Dread |
Silk Road 3.1 | The Hub |
Cryptonia Market | DNStars |
Dream Alt | DN Avengers |
Genesis Market |
I suspect the only reason Empire Market isn’t on this list is because 1. Empire explicitly tells users to only obtain links from and 2. Everyone has bookmarked Empire Market’s primary address. I think it is fairly obvious why Silk Road 3.1 is present.
Through mid August
Top 50 Terms
Over Six Months
nightmare market
empire market link
empire market url
dream market
samsara market
dream market replacement
berlusconi market
nightmare market url
empire market
empire market links
dread forum
dnm buyer bible
dread onion
agartha market
cryptonia market
empire market mirrors
dream alt market
cgmc down
cgmc market
darknet market list
nightmare market link
empire market down
empire market onion
yellow brick market
new dream market
nightmare market exit scam
darknet forum
dnm avengers
darknet forum list
cannazon link
dread darknet
tochka market
darknet forums
empire market mirror links
dnm buyers bible
dnm bible
berlusconi market url
nightmare market down
genesis market
darknet buyers bible
dread onion link
empire market mirror
Over Three Months
nightmare market
empire market link
dream market
empire market url
samsara market
dream market replacement
empire market
empire market links
nightmare market url
cryptonia market
berlusconi market
dream alt market
dread forum
empire market mirrors
empire market down
new dream market
nightmare market exit scam
dnm buyer bible
darknet market list
cgmc market
cgmc down
empire market onion
darknet forum
cannazon link
agartha market
nightmare market link
dnm avengers
dnm bible
genesis market
yellow brick market
nightmare market down
darknet forums
empire market mirror links
dark web markets june 2019
darknet forum list
dread onion
jesus of rave
empire market alternative links
silk road 3.1
nightmare exit scam
hugh brian haney
nightmare market scam
Over One Month
nightmare market
dream market
samsara market
dream market replacement
nightmare market exit scam
empire market link
new dream market
cryptonia market
empire market url
berlusconi market
nightmare market url
dnm bible
nightmare exit scam
dream alt market
genesis market
nightmare market down
nightmare market scam
dark web markets june 2019
dread forum
nightmare market maintenance
jesus of rave
silk road 3.1
empire market
darknet market list
empire market down
darknet forum
samsara marketplace
samsara market darknet
dnm buyer bible
nightmare market link
darknet forums
empire market links
silkroad 3.1
global dreams
dark web markets 2019
berlusconi market link
nightmare market under maintenance
cgmc market
genesis market dark web
dnm avengers
Over Seven Days
samsara market
dream market
nightmare market
dream market replacement
cryptonia market
berlusconi market
dnm bible
empire market url
empire market link
genesis market
new dream market
dream alt market
nightmare market exit scam
empire market
dread forum
nightmare market url
global dreams
silk road 3.1
dark web markets june 2019
berlusconi market down
darknet forums
empire market links
silkroad 3.1
berlusconi market link
darknet market list
samsara url
genesis market dark web
darknet forum
cannazon link
dnm bible pdf
darknet markets 2019
dream market new site
yellow brick market
jesus of rave
agartha market
dream market 2019
berlusconi market url
darknet bible
nightmare url
empire market onion
Looking at the past seven days, the top markets based on incoming search terms (without considering the links clicked or ruling out dead markets) would be:
- SamSara Market
- Dream Market
- Cryptonia Market
- Berlusconi Market
- Empire Market
- Genesis Market
- Dream Alt
- Nightmare Market
- Silk Road 3.1
- Cannazon
- Yellow Brick Market
- Agartha Market
But a better list pulls terms from a three month period and excludes dead marketplaces. We can safely assume that Empire is more popular than markets like Cryptonia and Berlusconi. And not every market search results in a click for that market’s page or even an article with a link to the market. Some look for market news, updates, etc. With that in mind, the following list is more accurate based on the strings searched by this site’s visitors. In addition, only the top four searches can be safely chosen. The fifth would be a tie between several smaller markets. I am not able to figure out if Genesis Market is simply having a temporary spike in traffic or if it is becoming more popular than Silk Road 3.1. It is also worth clarifying that this is by no means an indicator of the best or most popular market overall. Many people use for market links. Others have links to their markets bookmarked. The majority of people searching for market links are likely doing so over Tor and likely using DuckDuckGo instead of Google. A top four list based on incoming search terms:
- Empire Market
- SamSara Market
- Cryptonia Market
- Berlusconi Market
Even though Nightmare Market exit scammed one month ago, searches for the marketplace still result in more visitors from Google searches than for other search terms. “Nightmare Exit Scam” showed up but has since dropped to Darknetlive’s 112th most searched term on Google. A search for “empire market exit scam” somehow comes in at number 89 (as of this article). Yet Empire Market is not exit scamming.

The Rise and Fall of Searches for Nightmare Market
People have consistently been searching for a Dream Market replacement following the Dream Market shutdown. This perhaps explains Dream Alt’s appearance in the top 20 terms in the one month list and in the seven days list. It should be of no surprise that SamSara Market ranks as high as it does in all of the above lists. And the market has done nothing but climb since launch. Dread posts paint the market in such a negative light people have ignored the market’s overwhelmingly successful launch.

The Increase in Searches for Samsara Market
Cryptonia searches have increased significantly as well. The increased use of Cryptonia is immediately noticeable on Dread as well where posts about order or vendors on the Cryptonia subdread have become much more common than when Nightmare Market still functioned.

An Increase in Searches for Cryptonia Market
Empire Market has essentially remained in the same spot. People have searched for and clicked on links for Empire Market mirrors and links. Much of this is due to the downtime1 Empire Market experienced during the most recent wave of DOS attacks. The number of people searching for SamSara-related posts is still lower than the Empire number. However the people searching for SamSara links are clicking on and reading articles about SamSara instead of trying to find working mirrors.
For the majority of marketplace searches, users click the link for the Darknetlive marketplace list. Almost all of the “-url” or “-link” searches result in marketplace list clicks. But searches for the markets without the link or url suffix generally end in clicks to news articles about the markets in question. An exception to this rule is the SamSara clicks over a six month period. Very few people have actually clicked on the SamSara page or the marketplace list.
The search terms for various marketplaces rarely match the searched market’s about page as far as clicks are concerned. More people, for instance, have visited the Genesis Market page than the Berlusconi page even though Berlusconi ranks in the top ten and Genesis only recently started ranking in the top 20. (This week Genesis actually made it t number 11 with an impressive number of searches for a relatively new market.)
There is no doubt that the marketplace news and darknet market list are the primary attractions to this site to users via Google Search. The list of markets and list of forums are some of the most plagiarized pages on Darknetlive. The only non-market competitor would be the list of arrested darkweb vendors. It has been copied by most darkweb news sites and is one of the pages on Darknetlive that receives a lot of community input.
Removing all the search terms for Darknetlive specifically as well as for marketplace terms, these are the top 50 most common searches that bring users to the arrested vendor list within the last three months.
darknet vendors
mr taffy vendor
heineken express vendor
heinekenexpress vendor
darknet vendor arrested
darknet vendor
jason weld hagen
fbi ncide
fernando padilla becerra
adderallz vendor
darknet arrests 2019
anthony dai tran
dark net vendors
wyatt pasek
xanax uk wickr
chester anderson south brunswick nj
drug vendors
vendor arrested
darknet arrests
darknet arrest
hollandonline drugs
david ryan burchard
jeremy donagal
isaiah suarez
aka vendors
darkweb vendors
is dream arrested
alphabay arrest
heineken mdma
mdma heineken
kurt lai lan
alaa mohammed allawi
dream arrested
silk road pikesville
dream vendor
henry koffie
james ellingson silk road
chukwuemeka okparaeke
The “is Dream arrested” query was my favorite. Unsurprisingly the Adderallz bust and the Northern California Illicit Digital Economy Task Force (NCIDETF) cases brought a significant amount of traffic. Both have continued to do so within the last month and last week. Both the article about the Adderallz bust and the article about the NCIDETF onion service are among the top ranking news posts on this site.
Specific news articles about vendor busts vary widely in popularity. This is in part due to our ability to cover the bust in a timely fashion. Some noticeable patterns are still present though. One is that articles about more popular vendors are favored over articles about smaller vendors. That one should be obvious. But the articles about larger vendors win even if the smaller bust is a better article, more in-depth, or more interesting. People seem to favor articles about ecstasy vendors and Xanax vendors. Those articles are also shared more than any other articles on the site.
Vendor busts are not attractive only to the vendors region. NSWgreat is a good example of international interest in a regional darkweb vendor. Although Australian visitors had the most clicks and the most impressions for NSWgreat, visitors from the United States clicked the NSWgreat article a very similar number of times. Other regions with a less significant representation in Search Console had similar interest in the NSWgreat articles.
There are more readers visiting the site (via Google Search) with U.S. IP addresses than visitors from any other region. However the number of visitors from the U.K. on average matches the number of visitors from Germany and Australia. Italy, Canada, and Austria all line up similarly. As do visitors from the Netherlands; Switzerland; Denmark; Ireland; Sweden; India; Spain; Poland.
Someone could possibly put together data that compiled population, language barrier, and Google’s own regional targeting. I suspect they would need more data than I could provide though.
That is all for now. Darknetlive is the top query and the homepage is the top page. Please keep in mind that this information is available to me just as it is available to Google. No additional tracking programs were used to put this together. No analytics programs exist on this site. Server logs are not kept on the onion service unless there is a specific reason to investigate them. The server logs for the clearnet site are similarly wiped except when I move the site somewhere for DOS protection (I temporarily lose control of access to all of the logs). Once back to one of my own servers, all logs under my control are wiped on a regular basis.
Empire’s downtime is a reference to the downtime of their primary mirrors; I am not sure if the market has ever completely dropped offline. ↩︎