Amsterdam Student Arrested for Darkweb XTC Sales
On Monday, March 11, the police arrested a 23-year-old student from the city in Amsterdam who is suspected of sending post packages of drugs abroad.
The Post Intervention Team of the National Unit, in collaboration with the security department of PostNL, started an investigation after some packages of XTC pills were intercepted in the Netherlands to Australia. There is a suspicion that the man sent drugs on a large scale to all sorts of countries and especially Australia.
Netherlands Police Arrest Darkweb Vendor
Data Storage Devices
The man was at least active from November 2018, but the suspicion is that he had been busy for some time. During a search in his home, so-called filling chips were found, which were also used as filling material in the postal packages. Furthermore, data carriers were seized during the search of his home. Further investigation should show whether the man was also the so-called ‘vendor’ who offered the resources for sale at market places on the Darkweb.
Still In Custody
The Amsterdammer was brought before the examining magistrate on Thursday and remains in jail for at least fourteen days.
Source: Politie