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US Wins Appeal in Assange Extradition Case

How shocking!

The US won their appeal against a UK court’s refusal to extradite Julian Assange, the co-founder of WikiLeaks.

A court in January blocked the US’s attempt to extradite Julian Assange, ruling that Assange would face brutal conditions in US prisons and might commit suicide.

In the US, Assange faces a series of espionage charges stemming from his role in the publication of various forms of classified information provided by whistleblowers. If convicted, Assange faces up to 175 years in prison.

When the US government indicted Alexandre Cazes, the alleged administrator of the original Alphabay market, Cazes hanged himself in his cell in a jail in Thailand rather than face a lifetime in prison in the United States.

In January, the court’s refusal to allow Assange’s extradition was “partially justified by the fact that [Assange] could be subjected to” so-called Special Administrative Measures (SAMs). US lawyers assured the High Court that Assange would not face SAMs while in US custody. The High Court accepted these assurances.


A special administrative measure (SAM) is a process under United States law (28 CFR 501.3; see also USAM title 9 chapter 24 — Requests for Special Confinement Conditions) whereby the United States Attorney General may direct the United States Bureau of Prisons to use “special administrative measures” regarding housing of and correspondence and visitors to specific inmates. It includes prisoners awaiting or being tried, as well as those convicted, when it is alleged there is a “substantial risk that a prisoner’s communications or contacts with persons could result in death or serious bodily injury to persons, or substantial damage to property that would entail the risk of death or serious bodily injury to persons.” Such measures are used to prevent acts of violence or terrorism or disclosure of classified information.

The law is considered particularly controversial because it permits monitoring of attorney-client communications of designated prisoners. Initiated in November 2001, the Department of Justice considered this an expansion of an existing regulation. Formerly it was only allowed through a court order. It specified that information protected by attorney-client privilege could not be used for prosecution; however, communications related to ongoing or contemplated illegal acts was not covered."

It seems unlikely that Assange will end up anywhere other than ADX Florence, USP Florence High, or a similar federal institution. At ADX Florence, inmates are kept in a small cell for 23 hours a day. Inmates in the institution’s Unit H are subjected to SAMs.

A picture of Although mainstream media reporters operatng as an extension of the US government might deserve ____, Assange does not deserve such a cell.

Although mainstream media reporters operatng as an extension of the US government might deserve ____, Assange does not deserve such a cell.

It has been established that such isolation causes psychological harm, at a minimum. In animal studies, such isolation has atrophied the brain. One researcher, neurologist and animal behavior scholar Michael Zigmond, reported that mice in isolation demonstrate a “decrease in the anatomical complexity of the brain (including fewer connections between nerve cells and even fewer nerve cells) and a decrease in the number of blood vessels in the brain.”

A picture of A member of London’s Metropolitan Police demonstrated poor OPSEC while standing outside the Ecuadorian embassy. The photos provide proof of a plan to kidnap Assange.

A member of London’s Metropolitan Police demonstrated poor OPSEC while standing outside the Ecuadorian embassy. The photos provide proof of a plan to kidnap Assange.

For the full resolution images, click here. The briefing in the picture stated:

“Brief - EQ. Embassy Brief Summary of current position Re: Assange. Action required Assange to be arrested under all circumstances. He comes out with dip[lomatic] immun[ity] as [dip[lomatic] bag in dip[lomatic] bag in dip[lomatic] vehicule ARRESTED.” “Discuss possibilities of distraction SS10 to liaise… provide additional support.”

I do not think anyone doubts that Assange will spend his days in solitary confinement. The US government wants Assange dead. When Assange was staying at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, US government officials discussed kidnapping or assassinating Assange, according to a Yahoo News investigation. Then CIA director, Mike Pompeo, allegedly discussed conducting such operations after the Vault 7 debacle.

Pompeo, now a member of the Hudson Institute, is the ultimate neo-conservative meddler. Although it is impossible to trust media reports that depend on anonymous officials in the Trump Whitehouse, Pompeo is the type who would love to have Assange murdered while tweeting about how the greatest threat to American citizens is China’s “predatory fishing practices.” Our values and such!

A picture of OK, sure.

OK, sure.

The US government is an honest institution. Everything just echoes. Like this obviously serious Tweet from Antony Blinken, who is effectively Pompeo’s similarly meddling clone.

It's Called We Engage In A Mild Amount of Tomfoolery
ab135d60 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

we are in a simulation

5c25c240 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

you sure?

b6fe66d0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent 1


8ca52050 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

He gon’ fry

stay anonymous

e250f9e0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

Tell the truth about the government and you go to prison for life, National Security is no joke.

db013090 Sat, Dec 11, 2021


79ba8780 Thu, Dec 16, 2021

feds are crumbling brother signs everywhere for those watching play it smart and take your slice of the power pie in the vacuum

67dd06f0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

oh vey julian assange is a good goy he will stop the next shoah

c98a8530 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

fuck you american!!!!! russian spy good!!!!!! usa bad!!!!

11e9dda0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

isnt it so wacky and funny when a government treats people who expose illegal activities as criminals and treat them as subhuman?

honestly im surprised the US hasnt managed to destroy itself and become a wasteland, the world would certainly be better off if that was the case.

952296c0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

It’s the way it is, not the way it should be


ef1f79c0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021


ef1f79c0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021

Are you unironically defending the actions of the US government to act as an international police force? Is this the ultimate form of being a patriot? FFS. I am undeniably biased against global powers kidnapping and potentially murdering foreign nationals, lol. This… this is not a controversial take. Americans really do deserve the reputation they have.

e1c7b9c0 Fri, Dec 10, 2021


fe3d3fd0 Sat, Dec 11, 2021

So Russia invades Ukraine and we got to war as a nuclear influence… no way, to far past gon3

1ec00630 Sat, Dec 11, 2021

3a4c04e0 Sat, Dec 11, 2021

It’s honestly fucking disgusting and disheartening to see this. Inhuman is a fucking understatement Ive been in a cell like that for 3 days and it was absolute fucking hell, there is no option but suicide if forced into such a position. Such as alpha02.

88f2d6c0 Sat, Dec 11, 2021

It’s all good “die,” at lest It was only 3 days bro. What’s the omicron do to the economy when it smashes out the vaccines

880a1360 Mon, Dec 13, 2021

Resist them! Thats what he said when being dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy

b4d6b5e0 Wed, Dec 15, 2021

very good. I hope that piece of shit gets here soon, so that we can tar, feather and ‘suicide’ his stupid h@x0r wannabe ass. Fuck Assange - POS will be dead soon. All youse keyboard warrior cunts - this is what happens when you fuck with Muricah… scream and run, cunts

57cd9eb0 Wed, Dec 15, 2021

Lol you realize he is being charged in connection with the Manning leaks while Manning is paraded around by the establishment as a civil rights icon. Has nothing to do with trump. These 2000 republican party positions are retarded.

4604bbb0 Fri, Dec 17, 2021

This was well covered…until the writer sabotaged the political integrity by succumbing to partisan politics. Dude, republicans hate the government just like liberals do! Why would you alienate ‘half’ of your audience like that? Same for the Russia vs. USA comments. Russian government/military is not the Russian people! American government/military is not the American people!

b4319010 Sat, Dec 18, 2021

If you think the positions in this article are partisan, I do not think you would be able to figure out which party the positions are associated with because the U.S. playing global enforcer does not seem like a partisan issue. Both parties mentioned in the article want Assange either kidnapped or killed.

9d51e7d0 Thu, Dec 23, 2021

best action to take for a nobody?

b1146c00 Fri, Dec 24, 2021

Would be awesone if we could talk to the prisoners in the prison he is sent to, and have them organize an escape.

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