Update: CryptBB Owner, LongPig, Makes an Announcement
Recently there is been a lot of drama about me scamming users anyway most of that its just bullshit made up from haters and people like NSA admin of Kickass forum to get new members while he was ddosing other forums and using this made up drama to throw shit on CryptBB
#1 Im the legit owner of the forum and not @Power which was the co-admin this is why ive main admin account, server access and official PGP key while he had only admin panel access and Darkindex server access because he was helping me with it but ever Darkindex was a project ran by be and soon i will gonna put it back online as ive the backup of it but at the moment im focusing on the forum new updates.
#2 I do not scammed any member of the forum if there been problems with stuff i sold i always fixed the problems and if you still have a problem with what you bought from me please PM me and we gonna work on fixing the issue, the only real thing that happened was that i wasnt able to give the money i had to give to @cyberjagu because while i was converting the bitcoins to monero i had to give him Elude exit scammed taking the money.
#3 i never ran honeypots or tried to sell forum database like NSA tried to do with his forum database trying to give me the Kickass database for getting staff rank on CryptBB even because i had no reason to share such stuff also for free even if i ran such thing and the number of users in what was shared isnt even close to the number of registered users here so i think it could be someone who ran a CryptBB phishing site shared that.
#4 We are now building a new staff team and we are working on many big updates to the forum also old staff did not quit because the drama about the scam just @cyberjagu did and other 2 staff members followed him as they were friends and all other staff in last year want offline and never came back without any warning and noone seen em online or some got personal in real life problems etc...
i hope this will explain the current situation CryptBB is going through and the drama that happend.
LongPig's signed message can be found here.
End Update
On April 12th, 3 staff members of CryptBB distanced themselves from the forum, after news of the head admin, Longpig, scamming users came to light.
CrypttBB describes itself as "focuses on security and anonymity by offering customized security measures to all users and a secure environment where users can discuss and trade in total security, anonymity and privacy".
Cyberjagu, one of the admins of CryptBB, was the first staff member to sever connections to the forum. In a Dread post he wrote:
it's me Cyberjagu , a renowned member/staff/admin of the CryptBB community, bids farewell to all the users with a heavy heart
It is with deep regret that I announce my exit from CryptBB, where I have been an active staff/admin and built a reputation over the years.
As some of you may have noticed recent events have come to light that have exposed the dishonest practices of the CryptBB administration - Longpig It has come to my attention that some users have fallen victim to scams orchestrated by him , who has betrayed also me for some few thousands
As someone who values integrity and transparency I cannot in good conscience, continue my association with a platform that engages in scamming behavior.i sm against to support or condone any form of scamming or it even bad my reputation to stick with it I am deeply saddened by the turn of events I have always believed in the potential of this platform to empower and connect individuals
2 additional staff members, BGrabbit and Hyperion, also left the forum. You can find their full posts here: Cyberjagu, BGrabbit and Hyperion.

A, now deleted, user commented on how CryptBB was run behind the scenes. The full comment, made on the /d/DarkNetMarkets subdread, can be found here. Below are key points from the comment:
Sadly, guys, I must confirm what /u/thepotote (user scammed by Longpig) said. I know the whole story since Power (the true admin, the true skilled person) left CryptBB.
Now, I don't know if you guys know a little bit about code or platforms, specifically frameworks. CryptBB was a great forum. Why do I say "was"? It hasn't had a SINGLE update since mid-2020. Darkindex, the site created by Power that involved Longpig, has not been online since Power disappeared.
So, gathering testimonies and finding out that since Power disappeared, he (Longpig) hasn't completed a single deal with positive feedback, but has only talked around causing FUD and rumors and scamming users, yes, I confirm that I, too, have been scammed for a small deal, as have many others like him.
Yesterday, a user shared to all people a file provided by a close Longpig staff member, which contained a CSV with about one thousand CryptBB users' passwords grabbed during registration.
Probably, Longpig made it so that when a user entered their password to register, before encrypting it (i.e., turning it into an encrypted form), it was saved in a CSV file that was downloaded by someone every few days, though I don't know who, and then deleted and recreated with new users. A honeypot? Honestly, I don't know. In any case, /u/Paris - /u/HugBunter Im ready to provide that shared file and other evidence mentioned above if necessary.
Alongside this news, The Majestic Garden and The Hub, 2 popular darknet forums, have been offline for months.
3 of the biggest DN forums going down. Not suspicious at all...