Site will be messed up for a bit as I work on things/break them.

Just In: People Lie on the Darkweb

Darkweb markets have every reason to exit scam, lie about their intentions, pretend to do favors for the community, and claim to have your best interests in mind at all times. You should assume that everyone, even those who appear to look out for others, is lying to you. Personally I would first assume they were a fed (which includes the lack of honesty) but I think at least one or two of you are not feds.

When a new marketplace emerges, the market’s staff tell anyone who will listen about the many ways the market will not steal from its users. Sometimes the marketplace P.R. staff will explain how the market cannot actually steal from its customers. This is true for essentially every person or entity on the darkweb. Yes, yes. NAXALT. I actually agree and cover it below.

Markets lie

Markets strive to develop a reputation for really caring about the community of drug users and the future of buying drugs, pornography, and stolen credit card numbers on darkweb markets. They self-aggrandize through comparisons to cultural icons such as Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road) and Alexandre Cazes (Alphabay). Other pro-social highlights often include a commitment to harm reduction and the same list of prohibited items as every other marketplace. Market administrators who understand networking, operational security, information security, and user safety separate themselves from those who posture within a few posts or messages. But standard-setting marketplaces and marketplaces run by a group of confused midwits end the same way in the overwhelming majority of cases.

I just pulled some examples. In fairness, some are low hanging fruit.

“We are willing to stay forever, and serve every customer & vendor [just] as before. This is the market we need right now, with the right security and support.” – WaterChain, a former Dream Market staff member, wrote about SamSara Market. SamSara along with WaterChain vanished less than one year later.

Nightmare Market on Dread:

“We will never exit scam as others did, we are here to stay.”

In fairness, Nightmare lost some of their money in a hack before entering chaos mode and exiting. I think they basically operated as a pyramid scheme after the hack, funding withdrawals from a different user’s fresh deposit.

Dark0de, at launch. They exited a few days ago. (definitely a first for the administrators of Dark0de…)

Dark0de Reborn will define exactly what a DarkNet Market needs to be. We have used the most enduring ideals for realising this. We understand consumer empathy and have built not only the front, but also the back and even the things you can’t see, with beautiful precision. We believe in craft above all and we will reiterate this firm believe with every step we take to build Dark0de into the greatest dark web e-commerce platform this market has ever seen.

Luna Market, at launch. They obviously exit scammed but I do not remember when.

“After recent exit scams and collaps of various marketplaces we wanted to create a market where it is impossible for either admins or vendors to run away with your funds.

Kingdom Market made it less than one month. They are difficult to understand but he is talking to the administrator of a different marketplace in this comment, bragging about how he would always be around:

I don’t understand, you usually knew you were crying like little girls when a market scam you but when a straight guy comes try to open a market or there will be no scam you wanted to make bad publicity know something I am here and i will stay whatever the price and the time.


Our market is very transparent in terms of security and we aim to prioritise the safety of our customers first and foremost.

Our wish is to make Icarus, as buyer and vendor friendly as possible. The development of our code will never stop, we will continually keep upgrading it and most importantly we will always listen to what the community wants.

Seemed like a bold claim even if they never intended to exit scam.

A change in direction

Originally I had intended to publish this as part of a longer article about recent events unfolding on Dread. While writing that article, it occurred to me that a gradual shift has occurred within the last three years. The markets mentioned above are a but a small sample of the markets that have exit scammed after telling users about their plan to stick around forever. But I noticed a somewhat of a trend of markets that have either broken the exit scam cycle or, at the very least, exited in an atypical manner.

CGMC is not the sole exception to markets retiring successfully anymore. ToRReZ retired honorably, providing users with a warning and enough time to withdraw whatever funds they had on the market. DeepMix (暗网交易市场) retired in 2019. White House Market announced their retirement, gave users 16 days to pull their funds, and then vanished. Not everyone managed to withdraw their funds, according to Dread users. Obviously still a retirement. Cannazon bridges the gap between markets that successfully retired and markets that essentially lost the ability to remain online.

In Cannazon’s case, a DDoS attack had largely prevented users from accessing the site. They stopped making money. They announced the retirement on Dread and retired on November 28, 2021. Empire Market exit scammed. And for a market that size, I think announcing a retirement and giving users time to withdraw every last penny is not in their best interest. However, until the DDoS attacks, they were showing no signs of slowing down. It did seem as if the administrators had no interest in making more money; Se7en wrote that they had stopped implementing changes and listening to his input.

Empire was staying online by paying the attacker an estimated $15,000 every week. Apparently a second attacker started hitting them and they just gave up. Undeniably an exit scam; they could have made an effort, like Cannazon, to return for the sole purpose of returning funds. Monpoly Market vanished after being attacked and taken offline. Cartel Market vanished the same time and same way.

There is a list of markets that simply chose not to pay the entity extorting their marketplace (often because they lacked the funds to do so). Although that list is not as long as the list of markets that clearly exited with malicious intent, it is growing. I would include Square Market and Cryptonia Market to the list. Technically Libertas, I think (not confident about Libertas though). Those last three have a questionable history.

The end user loses funds unless the market follows CGMC’s example; the distinctions between traditional exit scams, exiting after being taken offline for extended periods of time, and vanishing as the result of a law enforcement operation do not matter in this context.

Some of the “good reputation retirements” involved people responsible for previous exit scams. Very few people are who they seem to be.

The outrage and disbelief that these markets are likely lying to users seems artificial. People act as if untrustworthy market administrators are literally the worst thing they have ever experienced. Until they hear about a new thing that also happens to be the worst thing they have ever esperienced.

There is no reason to trust anybody on the internet. Best case scenario, an entity’s interests align temporarily with your interests. Worst case scenario, an entity’s interest aligns with alphabet agencies. In an underground economy filled with drug users, drug dealers, people openly phishing marketplaces, fraudsters, etc., it is unusual to find someone who places the interests of the community above their own security, freedom, and financial interests.

P.S. I think it is worth examining the circumstances surrounding the attacks that ended marketplaces. Random people have been attacking markets for financial gain for years but so have the feds. It would be in there best interest to control what people think and do. No shit, I suppose.

It's Called We Engage In A Mild Amount of Tomfoolery
82968020 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

should have mentioned world market is ran by same group behind nightmare and pax romana that’s why they got the boot from dread last week

3db41ed0 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

Even if I was 100% convinced that they were—which I definitely am not—I’m not entirely sure why I should mention what markets they used to run and not mention the markets run by other current markets. This is not generally a darknet drama blog

18785be0 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

i am deebly goncerned about talking to feds

683d01d0 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

bro i agree so much i also hate federal niggers (glow in the dark) we should discuss this more what is your discord/snapchat (use a vpn like protonvpn bro) so we can discuss

72f7bbb0 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

was surfing the dark net and found this link this is really great news the best market returns empire market came back
empire market link is right here enjoy guys [quit spamming your fake empire link you slimy little bitch]

de9b1ac0 Wed, Mar 2, 2022


df3d9c50 Wed, Mar 2, 2022


dfecef20 Wed, Mar 2, 2022


e0e66a50 Wed, Mar 2, 2022


45b31540 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

i invested a shit ton of money to bring empire back and my plan is never to exit scam my servers are all hidden so they will never go down and if they do ill move them and relaunch i will never steal funds from customers or vendors i know what its like to be scammed it sucks. you will see my site will stay up no matter what because i got all the passwords and master keys because i dont trust anybody else . i am sick and tried of the darknet being mostly dishonest its discusting what these other scamming markets have done and i will put a end to it.
i am doing this for the customers i dont need the money i already made enough money in my life. thats why the vendor fee it very low and will not be raised because it aint about the money its about a safe place for people to come shop and hang out. and ur all welcome to stop by and say hello and open a support ticket to ask me stuff all the markets that are online may come and go but i am staying for aslong as i am alive long live empire.

01cb48f0 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

Something smells a bit off, in here. Fishy, even.

b93828f0 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

I lost over 100k with the exit scam! prove the same people are back and start refunding scumbag but we all know you are scammer if you come back or not for real!! no one trust you lorem ipsum

86b93e50 Fri, Mar 4, 2022

so you bought an eckmars?

nice work!

d3bd2340 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

daddy dnl im scaerd subhumanpie said if u post it on darknetmarkets an it get pinned then it true?

060e6280 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

Great article no other words for it.
Still hope to see you pop up on Jabber soon for a chat.

f0897150 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

fuck off ewhore

13908e40 Wed, Mar 2, 2022

Thanks. I sent you a message at one point after I saw a message from you but you either went offline or ended the session. I no longer have otr support on my client btw.

7273aa70 Thu, Mar 3, 2022

empire market is back here is the link [removed the link again]/
world market is gonna exit scam soon by the way because they got a new market called kerbro those are facts
and i am trying to help darknet customers have a honest place to shop and hang out.
i never exit scammed anyone we were attacked by ddos 2 years ago i went to school on how to first fix ddos attacks now the site cant be ddos attacked give us a try we already got vendors joining we are growing and we never closing our doors again. my site will stay online for years to come when you get tired of markets closing on you come over to my market it will still be there. and dont call me a bitch cause u dunno all the facts so relax you look unprofessional.

870021b0 Thu, Mar 3, 2022


b0475df0 Thu, Mar 3, 2022


e1cad7d0 Thu, Mar 3, 2022

Here is ip address of scamming cunt wannabe empire market Go fuck yourself you little bitch.

af47a0a0 Thu, Mar 3, 2022

this post:common sense anyone that learned anything from this needs to lay of the dr00gs

88a99750 Thu, Mar 3, 2022

i went to school to fix the ddos? L O LLLL

b13462c0 Thu, Mar 3, 2022

talk about successful retirement but no mention AGORA

5a608860 Sat, Mar 5, 2022


ff3685f0 Fri, Mar 11, 2022

RIP Agora. You are, and always will be, missed.

33b5d800 Fri, Mar 4, 2022

always remember “trust the Vendor not the Market”

19c954b0 Fri, Mar 4, 2022

good article, thanks OP

78b179a0 Sun, Mar 6, 2022

great article. noob here, what its CGMC?

483e6ee0 Tue, Mar 8, 2022

“ToRReZ retired honorably” so the Torrez i’m browsing rn is scam ?

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