What is i2p? #
I2P is an internet browser similar to tor. Some of the design flaws in the tor browser have allowed attackers to hold down onion services with ddos attacks. I2P is a great alternative that many markets have begun to use to get around these flaws.
The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is an anonymous network layer (implemented as a mix network) that allows for censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer communication. Anonymous connections are achieved by encrypting the user’s traffic (by using end-to-end encryption), and sending it through a volunteer-run network of roughly 55,000 computers distributed around the world. Given the high number of possible paths the traffic can transit, a third party watching a full connection is unlikely. The software that implements this layer is called an “I2P router”, and a computer running I2P is called an “I2P node”. I2P is free and open sourced, and is published under multiple licenses.
Warning The script/hack/patch code is EXPERIMENTAL. There are no warranties or guarantees for it.
Use at your own discretion.
Note: A special thank you to /u/DeSnake for putting everything together to get I2P running on tails again, and writing this chapter.