Impotant information #
Before we continute it is important to understand why it is important not to use Windows or Mac. Many people assume they can run Whonix in virtual box, and be secure. While most of you would be fine running windows with Tor that is not the purpose of this guide.
Windows, and Mac are loaded with backdoors, and both are companies that WILL cooperate with law enforcement.
This guide is written to help keep you safe, and secure. Always be prepared for the worst case scenarios, people using Windows/Mac are low hanging fruit, you are a lot more likely to fall into the lap of LE.
Also keep in mind one of your number one rules should always to keep your Darknet life, and your real life seperate. Would you want someone from the Darknet getting their hands on your normal files? Fuck no you don’t so don’t even let that be an option.
Mac users #
Some mac users experience issues getting Tails to run on their computers. Mac chips don’t always play nice with secure operating systems. This is not an excuse to cheap out on your opsec Do not install virtual box and think you are secure!!
The best thing you can do is go on Craigslist/ebay/local pawn shop, and grab a laptop that is a few years old. It doesn’t need to be anything special, and tails will run on almost any modern PC. You can usually grab one for less than 100.
A full list of issues, and reasons you should not be using Windows or Mac can be found here